Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Seriously, all this rain has put a major damper on my training schedule! Ok, to be honest I love any excuse to not workout so I am love/hating this rainy weather. Let me give you a little synopsis of my first week of training so far:
Monday: rest (I nailed that one!)
Tuesday: run 3 miles. I decided to go to yoga sculpt instead (even trade, I think!) Doing good so far!
Wednesday: run 3 miles. I decided I had worked hard at yoga sculpt and needed another day of rest! (This is where it begins to go downhill...)
Thursday: run 3 miles. No excuse... I just didn't do anything! (See I told you!)
Friday: Rest day... nailed that one of course!
Saturday: run 6 miles. Finally, at 5:00 PM after watching a movie with some extremely skinny girls in it, I decided to go down to our gym and run! (Success!!)
So now tomorrow (Sunday) I am suppose to cross train, which means ride my bike 6 miles. Please send me some words of encouragement. As you can see, laziness often gets the better of me!

1 comment:

  1. Good job getting those rest days down! You are doing great :)

    I will for sure take a bike ride with you this weekend - just say when!

    And if you are willing to get up around 5 on a week day, I will do 3 miles with you!
