Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pain is NOT temporary

Well, Sean and I did 5 miles today and suffice to say it was not my best run... Its amazing what 2 weeks of sitting on the couch and eating girl scout cookies can do to your stamina! I swear I really just ran and half marathon! We were passed by multiple people, and at one point Sean started running backwards. Its going to be a long hard summer, and running buddies will be more than welcome! Here is the link to my training schedule if you are interested... and since I have 2 followers that's Sean and Sandy = ( Marathon Training Schedule
Yes, it does say Novice...


  1. So if Sean and I are your only 2 followers does that we are your only running buddies?

    Ha - of course I will run with you! But maybe just the under 10 mile runs...or maybe I will run with you for portions of your longer runs but not the whole thing :)

  2. Also - pick a new font. are you in seventh grade still? what is this? comic sans?
