Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Too Much Too Soon

For those of you who don't already know, I had to back out of the marathon this year because of patellofemoral pain syndrome. During a 16 mile run I overexerted myself and hurt my knee. I kept hoping it would get better but after a few visits to my doctor and physical therapist we decided running 26.2 miles would not be a smart decision for the future of my knee.

At first it was almost a relief to not have to train anymore, (for those of you who have never trained for a marathon... its an intense time in your life). But after hearing Jenny, my running buddy, mention how she accomplished 20 miles, I was really sad I wouldn't be finishing what we started together. I am so proud of her for sticking with her training... running 20 miles alone is an amazing feat! How do you occupy yourself for 20 miles??

I found a friend to run in my place and the money everyone donated is still going to a really great cause! I want to thank everyone who donated for believing in me. It really meant a lot and got me through some tough miles! I will be there the day of the marathon cheering on Jenny and all the other runners wishing I could finish right along side them! Good Luck Marathoners!