Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Running Buddies

So reading my past few posts one might think I am uber positive about this marathon. Well that has all changed in the last week or so. I have hit a proverbial wall so to speak. Between the heat, increasing milage, and VERY early runs I find myself cursing this ridiculous race! I mean who runs 26.2 miles anyway?! Well I signed up for it and you donated to my cause so the answer to my question is me... unfortunately. The point of this blog post is a positive one though, I promise! Without my diligent and dedicated running bud Jennifer J. I would still be a puddle of sweat at mile 6. She pushed me to run 12 last Saturday in that unbearable heat. I hated her for it, and cursed her name every minute of every mile, but we finished and I am so proud of us! So here is my point: get a running buddy who will push you even when you think you can't go on! Thanks Jenny this ones for you!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh I just deleted my post. Thanks for the shout out Kel. We will finish this thing! Yes, we are dumb for signing up come marathon day I think we will be proud of ourselves.

    Your salty friend,
